Friday, October 27, 2017

Attempts at proving conical stratification

This post chronicles several attempts and failures to show that $X=\Ran^{\leqslant n}(M)$ is conically stratified. Here $M$ will be a smooth, compact manifold of dimension $m$, embedded in $\R^N$ for $N\gg 0$. Recall that a stratified space $f:X\to A$ is conically stratitifed at $x\in X$ if there exist:
  1. a stratified space $g:Y\to A_{>f(x)}$,
  2. a topological space $Z$, and
  3. an open embedding $Z\times C(Y)\hookrightarrow X$ of stratified spaces whose image contains $x$.
The cone $C(Y)$ has a natural stratification $g':C(Y)\to A_{\geqslant f(x)}$, as does the product $Z\times C(Y)$. The space $X$ itself is conically stratified if it is conically stratfied at every $x\in X$.

Let $P=\{P_1,\dots,P_k\}\in \Ran^k(M)\subseteq \Ran^{\leqslant n}(M)=X$, and $2\epsilon = \min_{1\leqslant i<j\leqslant k}\{d(P_i,P_j)\}$.


Observation 1: When $M=I = (0,1)$, the interval, we can visualize what $\Ran^{\leqslant 3}(M)$ looks like via the construction $\Ran^{\leqslant 3}(M) = (M^3\setminus \Delta_3)/ S_3$, to gain some intuition about what the Ran space looks like in general. 
A drawback is that $\dim(M)=1$, which masks the problems in higher dimensions.

Observation 2: An open neighborhood of $P\in X$ looks like
\[\coprod_{\sum \ell_i = n \atop \ell_i\in \Z_{>0}}\ \prod_{i=1}^k \Ran^{\leqslant \ell_i}(B^M_\epsilon(P_i)) = B^X_{\epsilon/2}(P) \times \coprod_{\sum \ell_i = n \atop \ell_i\in \Z_{>0}}\ \prod_{i=1}^k \Ran^{\leqslant \ell_i}(B^M_{\epsilon/2}(P_i)),\hspace{2cm} (1) \]
for $B^M_\epsilon(x) = \{y\in M\ :\ d_M(x,y)<\epsilon\}$ the open ball of radius $\epsilon$ around $x\in M$, and similarly for $P\in X$. Most attempts to prove conical stratification are based around expressing these as $Z\times C(Y)$, usually for $Z=B_{\epsilon/2}^X(P)$.

Observation 3: When $k<n$, the "steepest" direction from $P_i$ into the highest stratum of $X$ is given by $P_i$ splitting into $n-k+1$ points uniformly distributed on $\partial B^M_t(P_i)$. Hence the $[0,1)$ part of the cone (recall $C(Y)=Y\times [0,1)/\sim$) should be along $t\in [0,1)$.


Attempt 1: Use more resrictive (but better described) AFT definition.
Ayala-Francis-Tanaka describe $C^0$ stratified spaces, a special type of stratified space. Any space that has a cover by topological manifolds is a $C^0$ stratified space, however it seems that $X$ cannot be covered by topological manifolds. Even further, each element in the cover must have the trivial stratification, and since we must have overlaps, $f:X\to A$ will have $A=\{*\}$, which is not what we want.

Attempt 2: Stratify $\Ran^{\leqslant n}(M)\times \R_{\geqslant 0}$ instead.
This is more difficult, but was the original impetus, with strata defined by collecting the Vietoris-Rips complexes $VR(P,t)$ of the same type. The problem is that this space has strata next to each other of the same dimension, which does not conform to a standard definition of stratification, and so doesn't admit a conical stratification. Dimension counting and requiring an open embedding $Z\times C(Y)\hookrightarrow X$ shows this is impossible at the boundary point between two such strata.

Weinberger gives some standard stratifed space types, among them a manifold stratified space, a manifold stratified space with boundary, and a PL stratified space, but $X\times \R_{\geqslant 0}$ is none of these.

Attempt 3: Naively describe the neighborhood of $P$ as a cone. 
This is the most direct attempt to write (1) as $Z\times C(Y)$. If we say
\[ C(Y) = \underbrace{\coprod_{\sum \ell_i = n \atop \ell_i\in \Z_{>0}}\ \prod_{i=1}^k \Ran^{\leqslant \ell_i}(\partial B^M_{t}(P_i))}_{Y} \times [0,\epsilon/2) \Bigg/\sim, \]
then we miss points splitting off at different "speeds". That is, in this presentation $P_i$ can only split into points that are all the same distance away from it. Between such a collection of points and $P_i$ are points that are some closer, some the same distance away, and those are not accounted for.

Moreover, using $Z=B^X_{\epsilon/2}(P)$, leads to overcounting, and the map into $X$ would not be injective.

Attempt 4: Iterate over different number of points at common radius.
This came out of an attempt to fix the previous attempt. As in a previous post ("The Ran space is locally conical," 2017-10-22), let $E_\ell$ be the collection of distinct partitions of $\ell$ elements, and for $e\in E_\ell$, let $T(e)$ be the collection of distinct total orderings of $e$. A candidate for $Z\times C(Y)$ would then be
with $t_{i,0} = \epsilon$ and $t_{i,j>0}$ the chosen element of $(0,t_{i,j-1})$. The open embedding $Z\times C(Y) \to X$ would be the inclusion on the $C(Y)$ component, and would scale every factor in the $Z$ component to a neighborhood of $P_i$ of radius $t_{i,|\tau_i|}$. However, this embedding is not continuous, because a point in $\Ran^k(M)$ is next to a point in $\Ran^{n}(M)$, where $P_i$ has split off into $n-k$ points, but the radius of $B^M_\epsilon(P_i)$ in $\Ran^k(M)$ is $\epsilon$, while in $\Ran^n(M)$ it is the shortest distance from one of the new points to $P_i$.

Attempt 5: Iterate over common radii, but only "antipodal" points.
This was an attempt to fix the previous attempt and combine it with the naive description. In fact, this approach works when $k=1$ and $n=2$. Then $P = \{P_1\}$, and
\[B^M_\epsilon(P_1) \times \left.\left(\mathbf P\partial B^M_t(P_1) \times [0,1)\right)\right/\sim\]
maps into $B^X_\epsilon(P_1)$ by first scaling $[0,1)$ down to $[0,\epsilon-d_M(P,P_1))$, where $P\in B^M_\epsilon(P_1)$ is the chosen point. The object $\mathbf P\partial B^M_t(P_1)$ is the projectivization of the boundary of the open $\dim(M)$-ball of radius $t$ around $P_1$ on $M$. That is, every element in it is a pair of antipodal points on the boundary of this ball that are exactly $t\in [0,\epsilon-d_M(P,P_1))$ away from $P_1$.

This works because every pair of points in a contractible neighborhood of $P_1$ is described uniquely by a pair $(P,v)$, for $P$ the midpoint of the two points and $v$ the $\dim(M)$-vector giving the direction of the points from $P$ (this may rely on working in charts, which is fine, as $M$ is a manifold). However, trying to generalize to more than two points fails because $\ell>2$ points in general are not equally distributed on a sphere. If instead of using the "antipodal" property we take a point from which all $\ell$ points are equidistant, this point may not be in the $\epsilon$-neighborhood of $P_1$.

Possible solutions

Solution 1: Instead of a smooth manifold, let $M$ be a simplicial complex. Then $\Ran^{\leqslant n}(M)$ should also be a simplicial complex. Then it may be possible to apply a general theorem to find appropriate cones.

Solution 2: Extend the only partially successful attempt, Attempt 5. Extend by describing a point splitting off into $\ell$ pieces as a sequence of points splitting into 2 pieces. Or, extend by using the centroid of $\ell$ points instead of the midpoint.

Solution 3: Weaken definition of "conically stratifed" to exclude either open embedding condition or $A_{>f(x)}$ stratification of $Y$, though this would involve following out Lurie's proof to see what can not be concluded.

References: Lurie (Higher algebra, Appendix A), Ayala, Francis and Tanaka (Local structures on stratified spaces, Sections 2 and 3), Weinberger (The classification of topologically stratified spaces)

Sunday, October 22, 2017

The Ran space is locally conical

In this post we show that every point in the Ran space $\Ran^{\leqslant n}(M)$, for $M$ a compact, smooth embedded manifold, is the base of a cone in $\Ran^{\leqslant n}(M)$. Let $\dim(M) = m$ and let $P=\{P_1,\dots,P_k\}\in \Ran^k(M)\subseteq \Ran^{\leqslant n}(M)$. We write $d(x,y)$ for distance in Euclidean space $\R^N$ where $M$ is embedded, and $d_M(x,y)$ for distance on the embedded manifold $M$ (note $d\leqslant d_M$). Define the following objects:
N_\epsilon(x) & = \{z\in M\ :\ d_M(x,z)<\epsilon\}, \\
E_n & = \{\text{distinct partitions of an unlabeled set of $n$ elements}\}, \\
T(e) & = \{\text{distinct total orderings of }e\in E_n\}.
We write $\tau=(\tau_1<\cdots<\tau_{|\tau|})$ for an element $\tau\in T(e)$.

Example: Let $n=4$, so then
E_4 = \Big\{\{\{*\},\{*\},\{*\},\{*\}\},\hspace{10pt}
By stacking the $*$ on top of one another to indicate containment in a single set, and for order increasing from left to right, we have the following distinct total orderings for every element of $E_4$.
Set $\epsilon = \min_{1\leqslant i<j\leqslant k}\{d(P_i,P_j)\}$, $t_0\in(0,\epsilon/2)$, and $t_{j>0}\in (0,t_{j-1})$. By construction, the object
C_P & = \{P\} \cup \coprod_{\genfrac{}{}{0pt}{}{\sum \ell_i=n-k}{\ell_i \in \Z_{>0}}}\ \prod_{i=1}^k\  \coprod_{\genfrac{}{}{0pt}{}{\tau\in T(e)}{e\in E_{\ell_i}}}\  \prod_{j=1}^{|\tau|} \Ran^{|\tau_j|}\left(\partial N_{t_j}(P_i)\right) \times (0,t_{j-1}) \\
& = \left.\coprod_{\genfrac{}{}{0pt}{}{\sum \ell_i=n-k}{\ell_i \in \Z_{>0}}}\ \prod_{i=1}^k\ \coprod_{\genfrac{}{}{0pt}{}{\tau\in T(e)}{e\in E_{\ell_i}}}\left( \Ran^{|\tau_1|} (\partial N_{t_0}(P_i))\times \prod_{j=2}^{|\tau|} \Ran^{|\tau_j|}\left(\partial N_{t_j}(P_i)\right) \times (0,t_{j-1})\right) \times [0,\epsilon/2)\right/\sim
is an open cone based at $P$ sitting inside $\Ran^{\leqslant n}(M)$. Here $\sim$ is the equivalence relation of all elements with $t_0=0$, with $[0,\epsilon/2)\owns t_0$ representing the unit interval in the usual cone construction. Moreover, given the point-counting stratification $f:\Ran^{\leqslant n}(M)\to A$, there is a natural stratification $g:C_p\to A_{\geqslant f(P)}$, with $P\in C_P$ the only element mapping to $f(P)$ under $g$.

The next step is to show that $P$ has an open neighborhood in $\Ran^{\leqslant n}(M)$ that is the image of an open embedding $Z\times C_P$, for some topological space $Z$. The obvious choice $Z = \prod_{i=1}^k N_{\epsilon/2}(P_i)$ does not work, because we double count points in higher strata, so we do not have an embedding.