Sunday, October 22, 2017

The Ran space is locally conical

In this post we show that every point in the Ran space $\Ran^{\leqslant n}(M)$, for $M$ a compact, smooth embedded manifold, is the base of a cone in $\Ran^{\leqslant n}(M)$. Let $\dim(M) = m$ and let $P=\{P_1,\dots,P_k\}\in \Ran^k(M)\subseteq \Ran^{\leqslant n}(M)$. We write $d(x,y)$ for distance in Euclidean space $\R^N$ where $M$ is embedded, and $d_M(x,y)$ for distance on the embedded manifold $M$ (note $d\leqslant d_M$). Define the following objects:
N_\epsilon(x) & = \{z\in M\ :\ d_M(x,z)<\epsilon\}, \\
E_n & = \{\text{distinct partitions of an unlabeled set of $n$ elements}\}, \\
T(e) & = \{\text{distinct total orderings of }e\in E_n\}.
We write $\tau=(\tau_1<\cdots<\tau_{|\tau|})$ for an element $\tau\in T(e)$.

Example: Let $n=4$, so then
E_4 = \Big\{\{\{*\},\{*\},\{*\},\{*\}\},\hspace{10pt}
By stacking the $*$ on top of one another to indicate containment in a single set, and for order increasing from left to right, we have the following distinct total orderings for every element of $E_4$.
Set $\epsilon = \min_{1\leqslant i<j\leqslant k}\{d(P_i,P_j)\}$, $t_0\in(0,\epsilon/2)$, and $t_{j>0}\in (0,t_{j-1})$. By construction, the object
C_P & = \{P\} \cup \coprod_{\genfrac{}{}{0pt}{}{\sum \ell_i=n-k}{\ell_i \in \Z_{>0}}}\ \prod_{i=1}^k\  \coprod_{\genfrac{}{}{0pt}{}{\tau\in T(e)}{e\in E_{\ell_i}}}\  \prod_{j=1}^{|\tau|} \Ran^{|\tau_j|}\left(\partial N_{t_j}(P_i)\right) \times (0,t_{j-1}) \\
& = \left.\coprod_{\genfrac{}{}{0pt}{}{\sum \ell_i=n-k}{\ell_i \in \Z_{>0}}}\ \prod_{i=1}^k\ \coprod_{\genfrac{}{}{0pt}{}{\tau\in T(e)}{e\in E_{\ell_i}}}\left( \Ran^{|\tau_1|} (\partial N_{t_0}(P_i))\times \prod_{j=2}^{|\tau|} \Ran^{|\tau_j|}\left(\partial N_{t_j}(P_i)\right) \times (0,t_{j-1})\right) \times [0,\epsilon/2)\right/\sim
is an open cone based at $P$ sitting inside $\Ran^{\leqslant n}(M)$. Here $\sim$ is the equivalence relation of all elements with $t_0=0$, with $[0,\epsilon/2)\owns t_0$ representing the unit interval in the usual cone construction. Moreover, given the point-counting stratification $f:\Ran^{\leqslant n}(M)\to A$, there is a natural stratification $g:C_p\to A_{\geqslant f(P)}$, with $P\in C_P$ the only element mapping to $f(P)$ under $g$.

The next step is to show that $P$ has an open neighborhood in $\Ran^{\leqslant n}(M)$ that is the image of an open embedding $Z\times C_P$, for some topological space $Z$. The obvious choice $Z = \prod_{i=1}^k N_{\epsilon/2}(P_i)$ does not work, because we double count points in higher strata, so we do not have an embedding.

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