Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The point-counting stratification of the Ran space is conical (really though)

This post is meant to correct the issues of a previous post ("The point-counting stratification of the Ran space is conical," 2017-11-06). The setting is the same as before.

A key object here will be the Ran space of a disconnected space. If $M$ has $k$ connected components, then $\Ran^{\leq n}(M)$, for $k\leq n$, has $2^k$ connected components (as we must choose whether or not to have at least one point in each component). When $M$ is disconnected with $k\leq n$ components, let $\Ran^{\leq n}(M)'$ be the largest connected component of $\Ran^{\leq n}(M)$, that is, the one with at least one point in every component of $M$.

Proposition 1: The point-counting stratification $f:X\to A$ is conical.

Proof: Fix $P=\{P_1,\dots,P_k\}\in \Ran^k(M)\subseteq \Ran^{\leqslant n}(M)$ and set $2\epsilon = \min_{i<j}d(P_i,P_j)$. Set
Z := \prod_{i=1}^k B^{\R^m}_{\epsilon/3}(0),
Y := \Bigg\{(Q^1,\dots,Q^k)\in \underbrace{\Ran^{\leq n}\left(\coprod_{i=1}^k B^{\R^m}_{2\epsilon/3}(0)\right)'}_{W}\ :\ \overbrace{\sum_{i=1}^k \mathbf d(\{0\},Q^i)=\frac{2\epsilon}3}^{\text{the cone condition}}\ ,\ \hspace{-5pt}\underbrace{\sum_{j=1}^{|Q^i|}Q_j^i =0}_{\text{the centroid condition}}\hspace{-5pt}\ \forall\ i\Bigg\}.
The cone condition ensures the right topology at the cone point of $C(Y)$. The centroid condition ensures injectivity of $\varphi_P$ when multiplying by $Z$. Reasoning for the constants $\epsilon/3$ and $2\epsilon/3$ is given in Proposition 2. The balls $B_{\epsilon/3}$ in $Z$ are open and the balls $B_{2\epsilon/3}$ in $Y$ are closed. The collection $Q^i$ is all the points in the $i$th ball $B_{2\epsilon/3}$. The product $Z\times C(Y)$ is given the topology for which a set $U$ is open if $\varphi_P(U)$ is open in the subspace topology on $\im(\varphi_P)\subseteq X$.

If $k=n$, then $Y=\emptyset$ because of the cone and centroid conditions. Then $C(Y)=*$ and $Z\times * \cong Z$ is by construction an open set in $X$, so $X$ is conically stratified at $P$. If $k<n$, then $Y$ has a natural $A_{>k}$ stratification\[(Q^1,\dots,Q^k) \mapsto \sum_{i=1}^k |Q^i| \in \{k+1,\dots,n\},\]
with the image landing in $A_{>k}=\{k+1,\dots,n\}$ because there are at least $k$ points in every element of $W$, and to satisfy the cone condition at least one $Q^i$ must have at least two points. We now claim that
\[\begin{array}{r c l}
\varphi_P\ :\ Z \times C(Y) & \to & X, \\
(R,(Q^1,\dots,Q^k),t\neq 0) & \mapsto & \{P_1+R_1+tQ^1,\dots,P_k+R_k+tQ^k\},\\
(R,*,0) & \mapsto & \{P_1+R_1,\dots,P_k+R_k\}
is an open embedding. Here $t\in [0,1)$ is the cone component and $P_i+R_i+Q^i$ is the collection of all $P_i+R_i+Q^i_j,$ for $j=1,\dots,|Q^i|$. Injectivity follows from the cone condition and centroid condition on $Y$: it is clear that for fixed $R\in Z$ the map $\varphi_P$ is injective, as we are taking points at different distances from $P_i+R_i$ (the cone condition). Because of the centroid condition, moving around to different $R$ means the centroid will also move, so we will not get a collection of points we previously had.

Further, $Z\times C(Y)$ gets mapped homeomorphically into $X$ because of the topology forced upon it - continuity and openness of the map follow immediately. Finally, since $\im(\varphi_P)$ is open in $X$, $\varphi_P$ is an open embedding, so $X$ is conically stratified at $P$. $\square$

The following proposition gives a better idea of where $\im(\varphi_P)$ actually lands in $X$.

Proposition 2: For $\varphi_P$ as above, we have $B^X_{2\epsilon/3k}(P)\subseteq \im(\varphi_P)\subseteq B^X_{\epsilon}(P)$.

Proof: For the first inclusion, take $S\in B^X_{2\epsilon/3k}(P)$ and for every $1\leq i\leq k$ set
\begin{align*}S^i & := \{s\in S\ :\ d(s,P_i)<d(s,P_j)\ \forall\ j\neq i\}, & (\text{points closest to $P_i$}) \\
T_i & := \frac1{|S^i|}\sum_{j=1}^{|S^i|} S^i_j, & (\text{centroid of the $S^i_j$}) \\
c_i & := \mathbf d(\{T_i\},S^i). & (\text{distance from the $S^i_j$ to their centroid})\end{align*}
If $|S|=k$, then $c_i=0$ for all $i$, and $t=0$, so we are at the cone point, and $S = \varphi_P(T-P,*,0)$. If $|S|>k$, then $0<\sum_i c_i <2\epsilon/3$, as $c_i < 2\epsilon/{3k}$ for all $i$, so there is some $t'\in (0,1)$ such that $\sum_i c_i = t'2\epsilon/3$. Then
\begin{align*}\varphi_P\left(T-P, \left( {\textstyle \frac1{t'}} (S^1-T_1),\dots, {\textstyle \frac1{t'}}(S^k-T_k) \right), t'\right)
& = \left\{ P_1+(T-P)_1 + t'{\textstyle \frac1{t'}}(S^1-T_1), \dots, P_k+(T-P)_k + t'{\textstyle \frac1{t'}}(S^k-T_k)\right\} \\
& = \left\{ P_1+T_1-P_1 + S^1-T_1, \dots, P_k+T_k-P_k + S^k-T_k\right\} \\
& = \left\{S^1, \dots, S^k\right\} \\
& = S.\end{align*}
Note that since $T_i$ is the centroid of the $S^i_j$, and $S^i \subset B^M_{2\epsilon/3k}(P_i)$, and the centroid of a collection of points is in their convex hull, we also have $T_i\in B^M_{2\epsilon/3k}(P_i)$. Since $\frac{2\epsilon}{3k}<\frac{\epsilon}3$ when $k>2$, we have that $P_i-T_i\in B^{\R^m}_{\epsilon/3}(0)$. If $k\leq 2$, then use $k+2$ instead of $k$. Finally, since $\sum_i c_i/t' = 2\epsilon/3$ and $c_i,t\geq 0$, we have that $c_i/t'\leq 2\epsilon/3$, meaning that $\frac1{t'}(S^i-T_i)\subset B^{\R^m}_{2\epsilon/3}(0)$. Hence the argument of $\varphi_P$ given above is in the domain of $\varphi_P$.

For the second inclusion, first fix $i$. For an element in the image of $\varphi_P$, note that $d(P_i,P_i+R_i)\leqslant \epsilon/3$ and $\mathbf d(\{R_i\},tQ^i)<\mathbf d(\{R_i\},Q^i)\leq 2\epsilon/3$. Since $d(P_i,R_i) = \mathbf d(\{P_i\},\{R_i\})$, we have that
\begin{align*}\mathbf d(\{P_i\},P_i+R_i+tQ^i) & \leqslant \mathbf d(\{P_i\},\{P_i+R_i\})+\mathbf d(\{P_i+R_i\},P_i+R_i+tQ^i) & (\text{triangle inequality}) \\
& = \mathbf d(\{0\},\{R_i\}) + \mathbf d(\{0\},tQ^i) & (\text{linearity of $\mathbf d$}) \\
& = \mathbf d(\{0\},\{R_i\}) + t\mathbf d(\{0\},Q^i) & (\text{linearity of $\mathbf d$}) \\
& < \frac{\epsilon}3 +\frac{2\epsilon}3 & (\text{assumption}) \\
& = \epsilon.\end{align*} $\square$

The following diagram describes the last calculation in the proof.

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