Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Higgs fields of principal bundles

The goal here is to understand the setting of Higgs fields on Riemannian manifolds, in the manner of Hitchin. First we consider general topological spaces $X$ and groups $G$.

Definition: Let $X$ be a topological space and $G$ a group. A principal bundle (or principal $G$-bundle) $P$ over $X$ is a fiber bundle $\pi:P\to X$ together with a continuous, free, and transitive right action $P\times G\to P$ that preserves the fibers. That is, if $p\in \pi^{-1}(x)$, then $pg\in \pi^{-1}(x)$ for all $g\in G$ and $x\in X$.

Now suppose we have a principal bundle $\pi:P\to X$, a representation $\rho$ of $G$, and another space $Y$ on which $G$ acts on the left. Define an equivalence relation $(p,y)\sim (p',y')$ on $P\times Y$ iff there is some $g\in G$ for which $p'=pg$ and $y'=\rho(g^{-1})y$. This is an equivalence relation. We will be interested in the adjoint representation (induced by conjugation).

Proposition: The projection map $\pi':P\times_\rho Y := (P\times Y)/\sim\ \to X$, where $\pi'([p,y]) = \pi(p)$, defines a vector bundle over $X$, called the associated bundle of $P$.

Recall a Lie group $G$ is a group that is also a topological space, in the sense that there is a continuous map $G\times G\to G$, given by $(g,h)\mapsto gh^{-1}$. The Lie algebra $\mathfrak g$ of the Lie group $G$ is the tangent space $T_eG$ of $G$ at the identity $e$. We will be interested in principal $G$-bundles $P\to \R^2$ and associated bundles $P\times_\ad \mathfrak g\to \R^2$, where $\ad$ is the adjoint representation of $G$.

Next, recall we had the space $\mathcal A^k_M$ of $k$-differential forms on $M$ (see post "Smooth projective varieties as Kähler manifiolds," 2016-06-16), defined in terms of wedge products of elements in the cotangent bundle $(TM)^* = T^*M$ of $M$. Now we generalize this to get differential forms over arbitrary vector bundles.

Definition: Let $E\to M$ be a vector bundle. Let
\mathcal A^k_M(E) & := \Gamma(E\otimes \textstyle\bigwedge^k T^*M) = \Gamma(E)\otimes_{\mathcal A^0_M}\mathcal A^k_M, \\
\mathcal A^{p,q}_M(E) & := \Gamma(E\otimes \textstyle\bigwedge^p (T^{1,0}M)^*\otimes \bigwedge^q (T^{0,1}M)^*) = \Gamma(E)\otimes_{\mathcal A^0_M}\mathcal A^{p,q}_M
be the spaces of $k$- and $(p,q)$-differential forms, respectively, over $M$ with values in $E$.

Equality above follows by functoriality. Now we are close to understanding where exactly the Higgs field lives, in Hitchin's context.

Definition: Given a function $f:\C\to \C$, the conjugate of $f$ is $\bar f$, defined by $\bar f(z) = \overline{f(\bar z)}$.

Hitchin denotes this as $f^*$, but we will stick to $\bar f$. Finally, let $P$ be a $G$-principal bundle over $\R^2$ and $P\times_\ad \mathfrak g$ the associated bundle of $P$. Given $f\in \mathcal A^0_{\R^2}( (P\times_\ad \mathfrak g)\otimes \C)$, set
\theta & = \textstyle \frac12 f(dx+i\ dy) \in \mathcal A^{1,0}_{\R^2}((P\times_\ad\mathfrak g)\otimes \C) ,\\
\theta^* & = \textstyle \frac12 \bar f(dx-i\ dy) \in \mathcal A^{0,1}_{\R^2}((P\times_\ad\mathfrak g)\otimes \C),
called a Higgs field over $\R^2$ and (presumably) a dual (or conjugate) Higgs field over $\R^2$. Note this agrees with the definition in a previous post ("Connections, curvature, and Higgs bundles," 2016-07-25).

References: Hitchin (Self-duality equations on a Riemann surface), Wikipedia (article on associated bundles, article on vector-valued differential forms)

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